West Oakland Legacy Project Update


Our thoughts and hearts go out to those most affected by the North Bay Wildfires. Due to Air quality in our area we’ve moved our classes indoors until there is significant improvement.



On Tuesdays We are getting familiar with the West Oakland Farm park and making yummy meals that we harvest on site. We are also feeding the chickens, weeding, making compost, watering plants, harvesting and planting. We recently took down the snap pea trellis and planted a cover-crop to prepare the soil for the next growing season.



Thank you for supporting AHC and attending our open house September 14th The event was a hit! In September we made our own sketchbooks and we’re getting acquainted with the elements of art and design while learning to utilize drawing tools like charcoal and ink. This past week we watched part one of “Race: the Power of an Illusion” as part of an intensive workshop focused on demystifying the origins of race and the way this affects our daily lives, fueling preconceptions about ourselves and others, educational institutions and more. The Attitudinal Healing principle, “Perception is a mirror of what is in our minds,” guided our dialogue around stereotypes and prejudice. We are continuing to build drawing skills and will be helping design the AHC Artmobile! Stay tuned for updates.