west oakland legacy project

Thank You, ArtEsteem Exhibition 2019

Thank you for gracing us with your presence, smiles, cheers and accolades at AHC's 21st Annual ArtEsteem Exhibition! ArtEsteem students put their heart and soul into their artwork and we had one of our most successful exhibition openings to date.

Super Heroes in Progress

We are more than halfway through the Super Heroes project at AHC. Students have been studying social justice issues that are important to them, and designing life-sized self portraits that relate to their cause. Each painting exists not only as an art piece, but as a call for social change.

The finished pieces will be on display at our upcoming ArtEsteem Exhibition on May 18th. The annual ArtEsteem Exhibition is always one of our highlights of the year. You can see the full details on our event page.

ArtEsteem instructor Justin Mullon teaches some basic illustration techniques.

ArtEsteem instructor Justin Mullon teaches some basic illustration techniques.
